Hybrid Legal

Putting the service back into legal services.

Increasing online presence through Social Media Management, Videography and Design Support

Social Media Management | Website Updates | Videography | Graphic Design

Who are Hybrid Legal + why did they come to Belle and James?

Hybrid Legal are recognised innovators within the legal services space. They provide creative agency owners  with responsive, and cost effective, expertise enabling them to focus on growing their agencies – with legal peace of mind.

Having worked with us at a previous agency, they reached out to see if we were able to assist with growing their social media presence through videography, storytelling and creative ideas.

Problems we solve:

  • Social media planning and engagement 
  • Videography
  • Creative design
  • Website hosting
  • General marketing support 
Website Hosted
Website Updates
Social Media posts created

Case Studies


Vetaphone is an innovative supplier of corona and plasma surface treatment technology.

CLC Group

One of the leading property maintenance and refurbishment companies in the U.K.