The Future of AI in Marketing – Written by a Robot

You’ve no doubt heard all about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it’s going to take over the world. And potentially put a lot of us marketers out of a job. Maybe. So, I decided to put the robots to the test; I let an AI tool write an article all about AI. I entered the […]
My thoughts on the Christmas Ads of 2022 ❄️

Mariah’s busy slipping her sable under the tree this month, so it feels only right on the first day of ‘silly season’ to give my rundown of the Christmas ads that have hit our screens this year… Aldi Our orange pal Kevin The Carrot is back – in England, because his family have forgotten […]
Do I need a Marketing Consultant or Freelance Marketer?

‘Why would I need a marketing consultant?’. This is the question that I get asked a lot when I meet people for the first time. The truth is, some companies won’t need to outsource their marketing as they have an experienced and skilled team with enough members (and budget) to manage their marketing output. However, many […]
What are the benefits of hiring a Marketing Consultant?

In a previous blog I’ve discussed ‘Why do you need a Marketing Consultant?’ and here’s the follow up of all the benefits that you can gain from working with a freelance marketer. Outsourced marketers can ‘do’ a lot of the marketing themselves, on behalf of your business with very little input needed. It’s worth checking […]
How the pandemic changed the way we work – two years on
What are your thoughts on hybrid/flexible working? There’s no doubt that the pandemic brought about so much upheaval in all aspects of our lives, but it also transformed the way in which we now work. One of the most significant shifts has been the rise of hybrid flexible working. As we all navigated the aftermath […]